Did you build your website as a business asset?

Did you build your website as a 

business asset?

You have a small business and along with business cards, email addresses, phone numbers, and business licenses, you have decided you just might need a website.  (Or if you have one already, update it.)

Do you know why?

Maybe you saw that commercial on TV that showed actors posing as small business owners claiming that their free website brought them more customers.

Wow! You think, free website,  advertising, more customers... all for one low monthly fee!

You really want to hit that Easy Button.

But wait!  (That little voice over your shoulder should be screaming...)


"What can it hurt?" you counter.

Funny you should ask. The harsh reality is that done wrong, a website can do more harm than good. Why is that?

How would you like to get that question and more answered?

Next week on Wednesday June 10th, I will be co-hosting with +Marilyn Moore and +Gina Fiedel  on the Small Business WebTech Show the first in a series on the theme Your Website As a Business Asset .

We have gathered for this first show a panel with a wide range of experience in answering this core business question.

Our panel will be:
+Ammon Johns  with his deep background in Internet Marketing, +Mary Iannotti  and her business and marketing consulting, and +Mike Bayes  as a business development expert.

Any business asset has to be a part of YOUR business strategy and what makes YOUR business services or products compelling.  So before you start a new or updated website, you need to understand the business reason for that website.

Just like any other asset in your business.


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