Blogger Getting Started Guide

To use Blogger, make sure you have a compatible browser and operating system:
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari version 4 and up
  • Firefox version 3.6 and up
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Internet Explorer version 10 or 11. If you experience issues, try another browser or turn off Compatibility View.
Operating systems
  • Windows
  • Linux (Ubuntu)
  • Mac OSX
For Blogger to work, check if your browser uses cookies and turn Javascript on.

Step-by-step guide to starting a blog

To start using Blogger, sign in with your Google Account. Choose to create a Blogger profile or use your Google + profile.
Note: When you use Blogger, make sure you comply with the Blogger Content Policy and Terms of Service.

1. Create a new blog

You can create up to 100 blogs per account. To create a new blog:
  1. At the top left, click New Blog.
  2. In the dialog that appears, enter a name or the main title for your blog.
  3. Choose a blog address (URL). This will be used by readers to view your blog.
  4. Once you have a blog name and address, choose a template. Click Create blog.
Tip: You can use your blog topic, name, audience, or even location to choose your blog name and address.

2. Use the Blogger dashboard

To open the Blogger dashboard, sign in to Blogger
The Blogger dashboard will list your blogs with some quick links on the right.
  • To manage a blog, click a blog’s title.
  • To create a new post, click New Post .
  • To see your posts, click Post list .
  • For other actions, click More Options 
  • To see how your blog looks, click View blog.
Under the list of your blogs, you’ll see a list of your favorite blogs.

3. Manage your blog

Once you have created your blog, you will be redirected to your blog’s dashboard where you can build and manage your blog.
  • Overview: You can see your blog’s activity, news and tips from the Blogger team, and more.
  • Write a new post: At the top left, click New post.
You can use the left menu to see your posts, pages, comments, stats, manage earnings and campaigns, and more.
To go back to your Blogger dashboard, at the top left, click My blogs.

4. View your blog

You can see how your blog looks in two ways.
  • From the Blogger dashboard, click View Blog.
  • At the top of your blog’s dashboard, click View Blog.
When you see your blog, a navigation bar will appear at the top with some actions or options you can use.
To change or manage the navigation bar:
  1. Go to your blog’s dashboard.
  2. Click Layout.
  3. Under “Navbar,” on the lower right, click Edit.
Note: If you use Dynamic Views, the navigation bar may not appear. Learn to use custom templates with the navigation bar.

5. Get updates

To get feature announcements, advice, and other information to help you get the most out of your blog, sign up for email updates.
  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. At the upper right, click Options .
  3. Select Edit User Settings.
  4. Under “Email Notifications," check "Feature Announcements."
  5. Click Save.
To unsubscribe, uncheck “Feature Announcements.”
