AdSense for mobile policies

Can I participate in AdSense for mobile? 
Can I place Google ads and non-Google ads on the same mobile web page? 
How many ads can I show per mobile web page? 
Are there webmaster guidelines for mobile websites? 

Can I participate in AdSense for mobile?
If you have a mobile-compliant website that complies with our programme policies, you're welcome to participate in AdSense for mobile. Keep in mind that AdSense for mobile will only deliver ads to WAP websites in a limited number of locations.
If you're an existing AdSense publisher, follow these steps to generate the AdSense for mobile code.
If you don't already have an AdSense account, sign up to get started displaying ads on your mobile website.

Can I place Google ads and non-Google ads on the same mobile web page?
You're welcome to place Google ads and non-Google ads on the same mobile web page. However, if the non-Google ads are similar in appearance to the Google ads, please adjust the ad colour and layout options so that visitors to your site can tell the difference between Google and non-Google ads easily.
Our intent with this policy is to be fair to our advertisers and to maintain the integrity of the AdWords and AdSense programmes. You can learn more about this and our other policies on our programme policies page.

How many ads can I show per mobile web page?
Currently, publishers are permitted to display one AdSense for mobile (WAP only) ad unit on each of their WAP mobile web pages. If a double ad unit is used, please note that it may only be placed at the bottom of each page.
Publishers should use standard AFC ad units for websites formatted for High-End devices. In this case, they should adhere to the AFC ad limit guidelines which allows up to 3 ad units per page.

Are there webmaster guidelines for mobile websites?
We encourage you to fully review the Mobile Webmaster Guidelines. Additionally, Google's Webmaster Guidelines are applicable to mobile websites and following them will help Google find, index and rank your mobile site.
